22 February 2008

Top Ten Reasons we are SAD to Move

For the past week I have really been reminiscing about our time here in Korea. There have been so many goods and bads that I thought it would be best explained in a Top Ten List. When I was coming up with my lists I surprised myself because there were MORE GOODS than bads...

10. The Flower Market. There really is nothing like it! Beautiful and all that ribbon just makes my heart go pitter pitter pat!

9. Everland. The best year pass we have ever gotten! Awesome rides, shows, activities for ALL of us!

8. Rickenbacker's Chai Teas. Yes, Starbucks is good...but Rickenbacker's IS better! Or have I lived here too long?

7. Dragon Hill Lodge. Dragon Hill Lodge up in Seoul really was always the best weekend getaway!

6. Mi Young our massage therapist. The way she pops you, stretches you, rubs you...AMAZING! But my sister (IN TEXAS) is a fabulous massage therapist so we will make it I'm sure! :)

5. Purses. SO fun, so many, so little time....

4. "Korenglish". Korenglish REALLY does put a smile on my face every time!!

3. Our AF family! Again, we have found friends that will last a lifetime and some that we will be seeing again VERY soon at Randolph!!

2. The Korean people we have become friends with. Their hospitality and generosity is overwhelming.


1. Driving through Red Lights!! How many tickets do you guess I'll be getting in the first month back to the states??

1 comment:

Dotcruz said...

I just purchased a moped so I can't wait to do number 1 on your list...