25 February 2008

Our Farewell from the Squadron

Our farewell was this past Saturday at Chang Pwuck, a GREAT Thai restaurant. Very sweet words were spoken about us and when I was saying my speech I got all choked up. I WILL miss Korea and all our wonderful friends!

The guys gave Marc his token Korean bell with quotes that Marc uses around the office, "Needs more cowbell" and "Did you get the memo?" Fond memories of Korea.... :)

The ladies surprised me with the neatest Asian wooden doll in which her dress is a scroll. Everyone had written such sweet words! The guys gave me a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Thank you again!!

After dinner a group of us went downtown to Jumi's. One last good-bye kettle shot for good luck!
Here's to Korea and Here's to going HOME!

Jumi gave us a farewell gift too. :) Very sweet. Thank you to the 607th CPD (and Jumi) and we will miss you all!!! You know our door is always opened to you.
Annyǒnghi kyeseyo!!!

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