22 February 2008

Top Ten Reasons We are READY to Move!!!

Those of you who have lived here in the "Land of the Morning Calm" KNOW there are just certain things that make you so glad to move on...start your next chapter...GET THE HECK OUTTA HERE!!

10. The Korean Commericals. Now what are they advertising?

9. The Time Change. I will be so glad to not hear, "What time is it over there?" AND it will be so nice to not have to stay up til midnight to get anything accomplished in the states!

8. No Football. But in reality that was our fault. We could have gotten a satellite dish and made it happen. But under the "Rules of Urban Camping"...FOOTBALL was not a necessity.

7. Apartment Living. Broken elevators, flooded bathrooms/kitchen, broken appliances, funky smells seeping through vents, noises...

6. Long Hours/Exercises/Conferences....I swear Marc has lost 5 years off his life. However, I have learned patience and appreciation for all he does.

5. Personal Space Issues. "No, really, that one inch space was not for you to shove your skinny little butt into...NOW BACK OFF"!! Oops, was that out loud????

4. Squatty Potties. (Mind you this is not one of Ana's dislikes...only me and Marc!!)

3. Pointy Talky Communication. Again, this really is our fault for not learning the language. It will be nice to move back to the states where everyone speaks English...OH WAIT...we are moving to TX...never mind!!

2. Bugs. If I smell or see someone eat another bug....


1. THE SMELL! Enough said.


Lynn said...

So fun to read these lists. I agree with them all....

You will be missed. We will be praying for you as you travel on Tuesday.

I need your new address! Are you starting a new blog for Texas? Keep in touch...

keenbliss said...

This cracked me up, partly because your list is so different than mine! I'm thinking roads that are way to small for the size and quantity of cars on them. Slick, sharp, pointy stairs with railings large enough for small children to fall through, and my Korean couch that is so hard my butt falls asleep when I sit on it. Ah, the memories we will have!

Dotcruz said...

I really don't know what is up with all the funky smells in Korea. One of the first things I remember about Korea was its funky smell. Don't even get me started on the silk warms, LOL! I'll be sure to bring you some next time I'm in Texas.