06 February 2008


E-Mart is a sort of department store and grocery store. It is a Korean Kohl's with a Korean HEB attached in the basement...if this visual helps. :) Besides the BX (Base Exchange) THIS is where I shop. It's about 15 minutes away from our apt. and has a great playland for Ana so we go there every week normally. (This is one of the places I get my "Korenglish" finds!)

E-Mart is a chain of stores so you can be driving down the highway and see that yellow sign with the black "E" and KNOW what it is! :) Which is nice because majority of the time I have NO idea what anything is! :)

This is different from the states...it is the dressing room. One SMALL "booth" that you walk out of to see the mirror off to the side there. I've never tried any of the clothes on being that the Koreans are ALL so ity bity...and their sizes are all different too.

I REALLY think the states should jump on this band wagon!!! These are like the moving walkways in an airport, but they slant up or down...it's their escalator...sort of! And the really neat part is the cart's wheels fit into the groves and hold it still BY ITSELF...look NO HANDS! :) Another neat thing with these carts is you pay about 10 cents to use it and when you put it back...you get your money back so NO random loose carts out in parking lots! Which is a huge pet peav of mine....

Ana loves to go to the top ahead of me and act like she is pulling it up for me...so helpful! This is her and Olivia working hard at getting me to the top! :)

However, the neatest part is the playland! When we first moved here this made me SOOO nervous but what you do is drop your kid off for up to two hours for about $3.00 and they have a blast. You give the caregiver your cell number and $1 for juice if you want and just leave them. Again, this made me a mess at first...but now it is just "normal" and she loves it! The Korean culture adores kids and is so safe that now it's just a win win for both of us. I get great shopping time in with adults and she gets good playing time in! GOTTA LOVE E-MART!


Janks-Smith said...

I love the escalator!!! Being a stroller Mom, that would be so handy :) I hate waiting for the elevator!

Can't wait for you to be state-side again.

Dotcruz said...

I havent had the need to use the kids play ground (well there was that one time that I wanted to drop Ian off ...)but I hope where ever I live they have one of those when I have kids. I should get my butt in gear and get this set up back in the states so its already to go when I have kids, haha!