06 February 2008


Yippee! Our "stuff" got packed and sent yesterday!!! 21 Days and counting....
This is our standard room of "things not to be packed". We normally pick a room and CRAM everything in it and continue to throw stuff into it as the packing is going on. ALWAYS so unorganized and chaotic!! Until I fix it! :)

Ana's room packed up! She knows her things are going to Texas and she is fine. We show her pictures of her "Texas house" regularly and she knows her room is "upstairs" there and that she will see her things again very soon.

She was "helping" this packer and that is when I took her to school and left Marc to deal with the boxes and supervise. :) We have a partly furnished apt. here so we still have two beds, three dressers, one couch, a dining room table and 4 chairs! :) We also have our pots and pans because they were the cheepys we bought at the BX when we got here and aren't shipping them home. So we are well covered for the next couple of weeks...no worries! :)


Lynn said...

Okay, so your crazy blogging self is clogging up my google reader again. Just kidding! You have been having a ton of fun!

You are not really leaving are you? Okay, but only because you already have a really cool house in Texas, but I'm still not happy about is (pout, pout).

Unknown said...

I look at these pictures of Ana and can't believe how much she's grown this year! I miss her! You guys too of course. I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys again in March!