25 February 2008

For the past year we walk by Joseph, a Korean artist, in the "BXmida" and just admire his work. He can take ANY picture and make the most amazing portraits. So we finally decided to order one. Below is emails between me and Joseph and I just thought they would give you an idea of how communication has been for the past year between me and a Korean. :)

I was just checking in with you to see if you needed any input from me about our painting. I have attached the digital picture of the photo I gave you that you asked for. Are we still on track to pick it up on the 16th? We are moving from Korea on the 26th. Thank you again for your time and talent!
Jenna Stitzel
Order #931

I am very appreciative for submiting E-mail to me beforehand. Is going to change and paint your husband face.You and child are natural just as it is..Of course, 16 day is your picture completion date.But will be delayed a little but may be completed correctly 23 day..As is thing to complete good picture, if you understand, I will be very appreciative. Again, thank you very for E-mail to me..
----- 메시지 원본 ----

Okay, no problem. Thank you for emailing me back and letting me know. Is there anything I can do to help with my husband's face (I know funny, and that's funny)? Do you need another picture or to talk with me in person? I can meet you if you need me to. I look forward to seeing the picture and you.

Thank you very much...Oh!! It's Enough ..
I am thankful very to you about your interest and kindness .
----- 메시지 원본 ----

He is such a sweet man and we love our portrait!

Ana, our cats, and I leave in the morning and this will be my last Korean blog entry!! Marc will be joining us in March. I will be in touch with you all soon to let you know our NEW TEXAS blogsite! Thank you for being apart of our Korean adventures!!


Lynn said...

I saw your picture outside the BX, and I was so excited! It turned out so well!

Bible study was cancelled today because of the weather, but I am still praying for safe travels for you. Miss you already.....

The Volds said...

I'll be thinking of you! Tell Marc I am not laughing at the need to 'fix his face' (between you and I...that is hilarious!).

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