14 December 2007

Life at the Katathani Phuket Beach Resort

This resort was a celebrity living, whatcha read about experience for us! We were there for 4 nights and 5 days of just luxury bliss! Beautiful rooms with fun elephants on our beds!
Even Ana had her own bed and elephant!

This is a picture of the grounds/ocean...and those women are the massage therapists that gave wonderful one hour massages for $10.00 wherever you wanted them to.

Yes, that is Marc in the red shorts...we got massages EVERYDAY! We would just lay down right in the grassy areas on a mat and towel and listen to the waves, feel the breeze, and enjoy every second of it! The resort was very quiet...but very kid friendly. The best of both worlds. They had a "kids club" that had great activities but we never did them because she was so happy just playing in the pools and on the beach! They also had great programs for adults from yoga on the beach to fruit and veggie carving but again...never did it because we were so happy with the basics! Next time! :)

Another picture of the grounds. BEAUTIFUL!

Gammy, Jimbo, and Ana playing in the pool. Our days consisted of...breakfast, pool time, beach time (or visa versa), lunch, Ana's nap time, massage, pool time, beach time, shower, dress for fabulous dinner at one of the amazing restaurants, bedtime for Ana and Marc and I would sit on our porch listening to the waves and talking. SOOOO nice and relaxing!!!

Beautiful little girl ready for dinner.

Gammy, Ana, and Me

Daddy and Ana dancing at dinner. Every night at one of the restaurants they would have some kind of musical entertainment and this night a man was playing a guitar and singing and he started to sing our wedding song so Marc asked me to dance and we did right there in the middle of the restaurant. The only ones dancing...so sweet and romantic! Well, Ana wanted to dance with her daddy too so the next song was hers! Such a sweet husband and daddy!!!

One of the beautiful sunsets! God's amazing creation at its best! Truly a dream vacation!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your Blog. It is so refreshing and touching. I look forward to reading and catching up with you guys. I am glad to have you as a special friend of my daughter.

Rachel Solis