22 December 2007

AOC Christmas Party

The AOC (Air Operations Center) Party was at the Bowling Alley and it was a good ole time! Considering the bowling alley is one of our favorite forms of entertainment here, Ana just makes herself at home and shows ya how it is done!
Ana Sandwich!

My friends, Laurie and Kathee...

Ana made sugar cookies...got her face painted...made an ornament AND...

Took a picture with Santa...FINALLY. Earlier in the month Santa was at the BX and she WOULDN'T take a picture...we even said we'd stand with her then too. Glad she finally warmed up to him!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

You are a blogging fool! Okay, I finally had time to sit down and really read...and leave comments of course. :)

Looks like this party was a lot of fun. We missed all of the med group parties this year because Patrick was working for all of them. I helped one of the doc's get ready for a formal one last Friday though, and she looked great!

Love the picture with Santa. This Santa is a lot less scary than the one for Adeline's picture.