14 December 2007

Dinner Cruise in Bangkok, Thailand

First day in Bangkok we checked into the hotel in the afternoon and went straight to this dinner cruise. VERY NEAT! Dinner was all the "Thai Favorites" and the atmosphere was just amazing.

This was our table on the boat. The boat was open and the air was perfect. Not cold at all, very comfortable. Coming from the chilly winter air of Korea...it was great!

Me and Sandy! You can kinda of see how the boat was set up behind us here. Not a big boat...

Ana with her "Cinderella" drink. That flower is and orchird in her drink...wherever we went, whatever we did, the entire time in Thailand...we were always given an orchird. Pretty!

They had dancers on the boat for entertainment doing traditional Thai dances. So neat!

Along the river were a lot of the different famous temples in Bangkok. We weren't able to go in them while we were there because it was the King's 80th birthday and they were closed. Next time! :) This picture doesn't do it justice, but it was beautiful!

This was our boat! Perfect way to start the trip!

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