26 December 2007

Christmas Day!!

On Christmas morning Ana walked right by the living room to get to our room and had NO idea that Santa had come! She got into bed with us to cuddle...and I hear Marc saying, "Ana, do you know what today is"...and she said, "NO" and he said, "Christmas morning and do you know what that means"...and I pounced on both of them and said, "It's time to open presents!!!" They both laughed and we got up! (They didn't know I had been awake for a while! It still kills me to have to wait and I still get so excited on Christmas morning!) Kitties first! They had already gotten into their gifts...smart kitties! :)

Ana's pom poms were in the tree and that was the first thing she saw!

Her own keys! Now maybe she will stop playing with mine!!!

Bird nose...need I say more?

Ana's big gift was her tool bench! She loves to hammer! Her daddy showed her how to use the power drill to drill in all those screws, when she finished she just looked at me with this face...like "now what?" cute! I don't know who likes this gift more...Ana or her daddy!!

Marc SO surprised about what happens when you play with the jack in the box!
My sister found this antique Matruska doll...Made in the USSR! Crazy cool!

Marc's brother and sister in law (who live in Ohio) got us gift certificates to our favorite HOLE IN THE WALL Mexican restaurant in SAN ANTONIO...I didn't even know they had gift certificates!! Amazing!

We all got noses...I forgot to put mine on my nose! :) But I'm sure that previous bird pic. is still giving you a great visual to last you a lifetime! HA!

After Christmas morning we had breakfast and Ana went down for her nap. While she napped we started on dinner. We invited 4 guys over for Christmas dinner who's families are not here with them. Fester offered to make the turkey and I was thrilled (I don't think our Korean oven can even fit a turkey or a ham) That bird was DELICIOUS! Thanks again!

We watched "A Christmas Story" and worked on a puzzle that Marc and I will be working on for weeks to come! These two lucky guys get to go home in less than a month for good! But we will be seeing Mike shortly in San Antonio!! It was a wonderful Christmas in Korea!! :)


Lynn said...

Looks like a fabulous holiday. Love that you not only have family pj's to wear Christmas Eve night (that tradition I heard of before), but you have a THEME for your family pj's!!!

Love the bird nose. Great shot of you and Mark with the gift certificate.

Joel and Angela said...

You are so funny with the noses! It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas!

When you get here you will have to take me to that hole in the wall Mexican place!!!!

You are such a beautiful family!

Janks-Smith said...

When I saw the bird nose, I thought of the Owl dance from our Master's class!! Looks like you have a great Christmas!

Can't wait for ya'll to be back in the States :)

Mark and Jess said...

Excellent noses! Love to see you had a great Christmas. I also love it that Ana was more excited about snuggling with you guys than Christmas presents!