14 December 2007

Floating Market

The next morning we went to this floating market. This was ALL of our favorite "adventure" that we did in all of Thailand! No pictures or words can describe this to its full potential! This was a market where you could go and shop on a system of canals. We got on this ity bity boat and went down a bunch of crowded canals and bargained with the best of them for Thai memorabilia. FUN!
The landscape in all of Thailand is just beautiful and green! Very lush and tropical. See the bananas?

This is an example of one of the shops. We would get "hooked" over to the shop and we would "pointy talky" our way through the items.

This is Sandy just laughing SO HARD at the craziness going on. You can kinda see how big the canals are and the shops on either side.

Ana just loving the ride back. After getting through all the shops there was a good 10 mins of the boat driver hauling through the canals and Ana was waving at everyone she saw!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

What a fun experience! What was your favorite purchase?