29 June 2007


After 3 months of having NO dryer and weekly visits to the base dorm rooms for my "laundry day" which consists of hauling three overflowing heavy baskets and a poky three year old up and down 3 flights of steps (no elevators mind you) the day has come...WE HAVE AN AMERICAN DRYER IN OUR APT!!! I have to say this has been one of the happiest days of my life...a little drama has never hurt anyone! :) But seriously I feel like the 1950s version of the elated, spoiled housewife!!! So we live on the 11th floor of a 12 floor complex and the doors are too small for the dryer to fit through so they have to get this crane to lift the dryer up to our apt laundry room WINDOW!

Yep, that is the dryer coming through the window!!! I'm telling you I don't make this stuff up! You wouldn't have believed me if I didn't show you huh???

Isn't it beautiful? It's the simple things we take for granted. This assignment has definitely humbled me.


Unknown said...

That's amazing that they have to use a crane!!

Mark and Jess said...

I remember seeing "manuevers" like this when people were moving. Why can't they just make the doors a little bigger??
Happy drying Mrs. Cleaver!

Janks-Smith said...

WOW!! The domestic bliss of a stay at home Mom!!! I'm not sure I could live without a dryer. You are the WOMEN :)
Miss you guys
Robert, Nancy & Addie

T-Bone said...

Looks like you guys are having a blast. Your blog brings back a lot of fond memories of our stay in Korea, especially the trails around Songton.
Give Anna a kiss from us.

Joel and Angela said...

I can believe it! It is amazing what people will do to get the job done! Wow!! Looks like a nice choice in Washers and Dryers!