04 June 2007

Royal Relics Morning Tour in Seoul

Sunday we went on this tour and this is what we saw. The Blue House. Which is the South Korean's White House!

The Gyenogbok Palace, which was built in 1394 as the main palace of the Jeseon Dynasty.The palace has TONS of building. If you look on top of some of these buildings they have "guardians" which protect the King and Queen from evil spirits.

This is the building of the National Folk Museum. Grannie and Donald went to the "Adult" Museum and Marc, Ana, and I went to the Children's Museum. FUN!

Then we went to an active Buddhist Temple. They were worshiping and it was very interesting. I felt really out of place and uncomfortable. It was bazaar. Our tour group just walked right through there worship time and it was no big deal.

Then we went to the Ginseng Center. The South Korean's are known for their Ginseng, Amethyst, and Celedon (my Mother's Day pottery)!

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