17 June 2007

Happy Father's Day Marc!

This is "Agema" and she invited us to her church this past Sunday. She comes to our house every Thursday and cleans and watches Ana for me if I need to do anything. She is the SWEETEST lady. Her English is MUCH better than my Korean, but we end up doing at lot of "pointy talky" to communicate. Her church was having a celebration that she wanted us to be apart of. Marc thought that it would be a great cultural experience. The nicest people ever! The service was in Korean...but the music was wonderful. It was familiar hymns...all in Korean of course...but one can still appreciate music in any language! Since everything was in Korean we didn't understand the message...but what I thought was interesting is at the end of every prayer they DO say "amen". IN ENGLISH...they would say amen and Ana would chime in with her amen...sweet little girl!

After naps we went to an area not too far from our house for a hike/picnic!

Ana picked up just about anything that wasn't attached and then some stuff that was! Notice the rice patties in the background?

This was the "off the beaten track" trail. SO pretty!

Popped a squat and had a yummy picnic.

Ana got Marc "Laser Sidewalk Chalk" for his gift!
Happy Father's Day to our dads and all our friends who are daddy's!!!

1 comment:

trenee and dee said...

Looks like a great Father's day. Ana looks like she has grown taller. I never notice how much she looks like Marc. Missing u all.