17 June 2007

Not Quite Right #2

Ana's first choice at any restaurant will be Macaroni and Cheese. WELL...we CAN NOT find it anywhere other than the Officer's Club brunch. SOOOO noodles with alfredo sauce is as close as it gets and she is happy. BUT..."it's not quite right"!!! This is where I like to get a pedicure. GREAT people and GREAT foot massage AND if you ever need a "Horn Removal" they can do that too!!! Again..."not quite right"!!

Instead of 911 you dial 119 and the firefighters will be right there. Actually, I don't know who is "not quite right" here...us or them!

1 comment:

trenee and dee said...

you know severval other countries seems to be backwards to us. Maybe we are the ones who r not quite right. Or when they copied us they didn't want to be the same. Who knows. Glad u r adjusting. How's the food? found any favorites?
Nice idea Mom's Day Out.