04 April 2007


After a 23 hour travel day...we were and still are beat! The flight was uneventful. The flight was very comfortable besides not getting much sleep because of playing with Ana and watching unlimited movies. BUT I will say that after 8 hours when I looked at my watch and saw I had 5 more hours...I was not happy. When we arrived in Seoul Ana was sleeping hard and she sleep through us going through customs, immigration, getting our bags, and getting through the quarantine line for the cats. She woke up right when Marc went to get our car. When she saw him she was squealing and squarming to get down. She was still waking up and wobbled over to Marc screaming and they were both so happy. I love seeing them together! We had an hour ride home to our apt. and when we walked through the door Marc showed Ana her room and she played with ALL her toys and was just SOOO happy. Giggling, hugs and kisses for everyone! For the last two mornings Ana has woken up at 1am and gets in bed with us. Then tosses and turns til 3ish. Today we got up at 4am and made breakfast. She took her nap today from 8am til 11ish. Everyone says it takes a week to get over the jet lag. It's been hard to get on a time schedule! I'm glad we are together again and I look forward to getting into a routine!


Carol McG said...

After I emailed you I thought I'd check the blog and you've already got pics! Jenna, you are so efficient. Your apt is not bad and 4 bedrooms is big! How exciting for Ana to have her familiar things set up waiting for her in her new room. Good going Marc! Thanks for the explanation of JAM, duh, I had not figured it out! Have a good time on your trip with Donald. Love you guys! Carol

Anonymous said...

Home sweet home!! You guys are always so good at making the most of where you stationed...Korea will be fun!