26 April 2007

BIG break through for ANA!!!

THIS is a TOTAL praise God moment!!! Ana has never been able to be held to fall asleep. Normally she can't be tired and just fall asleep wherever she is. She has to be in a car seat or a bed and be able to do her "orphanage rock" to put herself to sleep. WELL, on Easter we were at church and she was so tired. I tried AGAIN (I've been trying for a year now) and put her head on my shoulder and she WENT TO SLEEP. I thought it was a once in a life time moment...an Easter blessing. Well, these last couple of weeks she has been cuddling up and taking cat naps here and there. I'm thinking she is FINALLY comfortable enough with us and her life and this is just another small achievement of overcoming her past. This is in church on Easter and after the service was over I told Marc to take a picture so I had proof and wasn't dreaming!!! It was the best feeling ever...to hold my little girl as she slept!!!
This is on our Cherry Blossom trip. We were in a restaurant and her head was bobbing and her eyes were heavy and Marc put his arm out and laid her head down and she slept a good 30 mins!

This is this past weekend! SOOO sweet. Our court date of when Ana legally became our daughter is a year ago this coming Sat! 28 April. Amazing how time flies and how much I grow to love her more and more EVERYDAY!!!


Jana said...

Happy Adoption Day!!!!
Love ya,
The Boomershines

Carol McG said...

Happy Gotcha Day! What a precious gift of having her fall asleep. Wow its been an amazing year for you three! Love, Carol

Paulette said...

Jenna, Nothing is more precious or peaceful than having a child asleep in your arms.