20 April 2007

Laundry Drama!

Our apartment came with a Korean washer/dryer deal. It is ONE machine that SUPPOSEDLY does both. I've messed with the buttons...tried to figure it out. Can you understand it at all? How many weeks have I been here? Okay...I figured out the "washing" part of it okay. HOWEVER, I have learned that Koreans don't dry there clothes completely. The "dryer" part just gets all the water out of them so that they are damp. I am suppose to hang dry them the rest of the way. I don't like that. SOOOO...I am doing my laundry on base at Marc's dorm until we buy an American dryer. Most American families in these apts. do that...so I'll buy a used one from one of the families leaving soon. Which is fine. Each floor in Marc's dorm has 4 washers and dryers so I put Ana down for her nap in Marc's bed and then do all my laundry in one afternoon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry, I can't help it but I'm laughing hysterically while reading this! Life in Korea sounds like an adventure! I'm going to try and get our camera this weekend, so now maybe we can chat and you can actually see us now! Keep up the pics!