11 August 2007

Busan or Bust!

Marc and Pipes had to do a briefing in Busan this past Friday. Busan is as far south you can go in Korea, about 4 to 5 hours south. Right on the beach! SO Ana and I decided to tag along. :) The McKee's also went. We followed each other down to Busan and stayed at the same hotel Thursday thru Saturday.

The Novotel Hotel was right on the beach and it was a very nice hotel. We were familiar with the Novotel because that is the chain of hotels we stayed at while in Moscow!

Friday morning Me, Kathee, and the kids all went down to the beach while the guys had their briefing.
Ms. Olivia and Banana playing in the sand!

The Koreans have a thing for American children. LOVE to touch them and take pictures of them. It was kind of freaky at first when we first moved here, but now it happens so much that it's no big deal. Sometimes we will be somewhere and the Korean's will just swarm in on Ana and we have to "save her" from the crowd that starts to form. The guys got home around lunch time and we went to the Busan Aquarium!
Ana's got a new thing for octopus's now!

There was a Mermaid show that we caught the end of...very fun!

Olivia and Ana with this monster crab!

There was this car that was a fish tank! It was so cool!

Doesn't even look real huh?
So after the aquarium we did dinner and put the kids to bed and the McKee's and us sat in the middle of the halls in our hotel so we could play games. We sat so we could watch the doors of our rooms...I know the Korean's had thought we lost our mind...but it was too early for bed for us and we wanted to play! :)

Saturday morning we got up and went down to the beach again! Here's a fun family picture! Can you find Ana? :) The waves were crazy but SO fun to play in!

This was our "base" we all meet at. Kept me in the shade which always makes me happy.

This was in the hotel...when Ana saw it she said, "Look Mommy, violins!" Now where did she learn that? She's so smart!

1 comment:

Joel and Angela said...

Love the wave shot!!! And totally understand about people coming up and touching your kids and taking pictures! Is kinda weird!