27 August 2007

Black Eyed Peas Concert

Marc and I got a sitter and went to Seoul with an ITT tour (yep, pretty nerdy...but efficient!) to the Black Eyed Pea concert. We had a blast. I knew about 5 of their songs and Marc knew MAYBE 3...but we still had fun!
This is a Korean beer..."Hite"...now you have to say it with the accent to get the full effect! :) It taste like Coors Light to me. But I'm not a beer drinker...

Freaky Pepsi guy giving out free Pepsi's...kinda funny. One of the Black Eyed Pea dudes was talking to the audience and he would say..."where are we?" and we would answer "Seoul" and he would repeat it in a funny voice so now when I see the people who were on our bus (ITT tour) just around base here and there...we just smile and do the "Seoul" voice. FUN!

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