27 August 2007

First BIG SCREEN Movie!

We decided Ana was ready to go to the movies! We skipped her nap and went to the matinee. And she LOVED it! We went to see Ratatouille. TOO cute for those of you who haven't seen it yet. She was nervous at first when it went dark, said she said she was scared...loud noises were freaking her out at first THEN she was hooked. Every time we pass the base theater now she says, "T.V. Movie Peas?"
We didn't take the picture before the movie and when we left they had already changed it out with the next movie showing for that night. (I promise her first movie wasn't PG-13). So in our best pointy talky Korean..."could we see the poster please...just for a picture?" Then these two guys helped us out and held it up for me...I know what your thinking...BUT HEY...it's a "FIRST"...we gotta get it on the camera! :)
This is after the theater cleared out. The chairs swallowed her so she sat on my lap most of the movie. She ate the entire bag of pop corn! I wasn't watching her eat, I was watching the movie!

THEN they GAVE us the poster to keep. We hung it up in her room and when I asked her what she thought of her first movie...it got "two thumbs up"...quite the movie critic already!

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