10 June 2007

Silk Factory

One of our stops on our tour was a silk factory! We got the entire lecture of a silk worm and how silk is made. They took us through the factory to see the procedure.

This machine takes the cocoon from the silk worm and gets the silk manageable to work with to make products.

These are the cocoons of the silk worm and when you unravel the cocoon, guess what is inside?

THE BUGS!!! Those are "the bugs" they eat! They are silk worms!!! They said they taste like peanuts and are good for your skin! I'm still not trying them. :)

This is the raw silk ...so soft!

This is them stretching the silk into blankets.
This is the blanket/comforter we bought!
They had a "fishing show"...it was funny...the accent sounded like "fishing" vs. "fashion"! Beautiful silks!!!

1 comment:

trenee and dee said...

Educationally and Beautiful