10 June 2007

Tiananmen Square!

Nothing like going from Red Square to Tiananmen Square! The largest square in the world. Very uneasy, but amazing feeling to be standing RIGHT THERE! That is Chairman Mao's picture still up. He died in 1996 but is still very much respected and worshiped. However, things are changing in China and our tour guide said she didn't think he'd be happy with the changes that are happening. She said that it is a still under the Communist ruled party but their socio and economics are closer to capitalism now. They have figured out the benefits of the workers in a democratic society...and the economy is flourishing with a worker who produces more...makes more money. This is the ticker for the count down to the 2008 Summer Olympic opening ceremony! Beijing is under so much construction right now preparing for the Olympics! They are very excited and are selling t-shirts already!
Just in case you forget you are in COMMUNIST CHINA, these red flags and military guards are a quick eye opener! That monument behind us is their version of the "unknown fallen soldiers".

Grannie sat this one out. It was a long, hot day again and she sat on the bus and waited. Donald got accosted at Tiananmen! He broke down a bought picture books and post cards from the street pushers and they didn't let him alone the rest of the time! Not only did they know he had money, but he bought from more than one and it got around! :) They are worth it though! After Tiananmen we got dropped off at Lido market to shop. It was after 5:00pm and we were all hot, sweaty, exhausted and hungry. We spent about an hour there shopping and barginning before we were all ready to head back for our dinner, showers and massage! I wish we could have spent more time shopping but I hope to do a "girls trip" for a weekend to just shop when there is more time. This was more of a site seeing trip anyway! Plus, I wasn't about to miss my $26 head to toe 90 min. massage!

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