04 June 2007

Marc's 34th Birthday Celebration

Marc's Birthday is next Friday but Donald and Grannie wanted to celebrate with him before they leave. We leave for China early Wednesday so tonight was the best night to celebrate. He chose a bulgogi house for his birthday dinner and it was a true Korean experience for Donald and Grannie. Marc figured they had been here two weeks now it was time! As you enter the restaurant you have to take your shoes off....
Grannie's not too sure what she is getting...

She looks up at me for help....

Marc tells her to open her mind...that he wouldn't take her anywhere she couldn't handle....

This was our meal. Grannie and Donald ended up REALLY enjoying their dinner! But it was too fun watching them sweat it out early on in the meal! :)

Then we went back to our apt. for Birthday Carrot Cake! Fun night!


Janks-Smith said...

Its so great to see the fun that you are having :) Some people would be sooo afriad to get out and see such a unique country, but not the Stitzel's!!

Miss you guys!
Nancy, Robert and Addison

Mark and Jess said...

That was one of my favorite places! Happy Birthday Marc!