10 June 2007

6 June- Off to China!

I had started the day BADLY! I had pink eye earlier in the week and was getting sick. We took a bus to Seoul to the airport and about 30 min. into the ride I HAD to poo. Not the kind ya can hold either. So I tell Marc he had to help me with a baggie. He was NOT thrilled to say the least! SO glad the windows were down so it was noisy and we had the back of the bus. I have to say I have a new talent! Not one spill or miss! So after I'm finished there I look at him and tell him to find another baggie...so I could PUKE! So it is coming out both ends and we aren't even off the bus yet. We get to the airport and meet up with our tour group of 12 (including us) and I take some Imodium and get on a plane to CHINA!

Welcome to CHINA! Our flight was delayed and we get in late, but the good news is my poo is under control!

Thank goodness, because we sat in INSANE traffic for HOURS! We were late getting in so we missed a couple of things we were to do on our tour because of that...then the traffic was so bad we missed our "Acrobatic Show" we were suppose to do. We only had time for the "Peking Duck Dinner" I was so excited about earlier...before I was sick. Everyone enjoyed it but it was just not what my tummy could handle that day!

Things aren't "quite right" in China either!
After a good night sleep, I was able to rally and enjoy our trip! Thank goodness it was only a 24 hour bug!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH JENNA...you are so hilarious! I can't believe you posted about going poo in a baggie! I love that about you!! Sure does beat going poo against a tree in -25 degree weather in the middle of nowhere Alaska! :) We'll be in touch when we get back to Japan!

trenee and dee said...

OMG that about all I can say. This was so funny. Now I know what to keep in the car, in my purse....baggies!!!!!LOL