26 December 2007

Christmas Eve

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve! Our church had a children's Christmas play and it was priceless...yep, Ana was an angel. We had a couple of "angel practices" and she was making me nervous...but she did great for the actual play! You never know what she is going to do, but when she put on her costume she was truly angelic!

Gerad, Grace, and Ana before the play started!

SO PROUD of our Littlest Angel!

We went home and did our Advent Wreath! We have a wonderful book that is very interactive for the entire family. Every night during advent we do a scripture reading, singing, discussion, nativity building, and a prayer. We ALL love our advent time before bed! It's just a fun way to keep the focus on Jesus!

Ana loves the songs and the nativity building...

We also opened our Christmas jammies! This year was a "Santa Hat" theme...Ana's was monkeys (of course) with Santa hats, mine had penguins, and Marc's was just Santa hats! Being that this is our second Christmas with Ana she still isn't fulling understanding the whole Santa deal so I was cuddling with Ana before bed and was explaining that Santa was coming to put presents in her stocking tonight because Jesus was born and we give presents to celebrate Jesus's birth.... and she sat straight up in her bed and said, "No Santa in my house Mommy!"

1 comment:

Paulette said...


I didn't know I had to sign-in, etc. to leave a message so there may be a note from me out there is space. I love the pictures and am so very happy for the three of you. Ana is a blessed little girl to have two people who truly realize that she is a gift from God. More later if I infact am doing the right things to get to "talk" to you. Love, Paulette