11 December 2007

The Week Before Thailand with Jim and Sandy

Marc's mom and her husband got here Friday morning after Thanksgiving Day. ONE day after we got home from Texas. With us ALL dealing with jet lag, we did half day jaunts to try and get it all in! Sandy LOVES flowers so the Flower Market was on the agenda. I have to say I was glad to be "home" and back doing our normal routine. The flower market is always a favorite for me!
These are the flowers they choose! Pretty!

Our BX "Mall Area" has a Baskin Robbins in which Ana gets an "ice cream creature". Normally she gets the frog...but today was an elephant. Did she know we'd be seeing elephants in Thailand in a week? Smart girl! And Gammy loves her ice cream too...good ice cream bonding moment!

Life is not complete until you experience the SQUATTY POTTY! Ana loves them and was so glad to back in the land of squatty potties. The ENTIRE time we were in TX she asked for them! Sandy DID get to experience the squatty potty but wouldn't let me take a picture!

Family photo at the Korean Folk Village. Another Korean favorite of ours.

Gotta do the purse shopping!

And finally the authentic Korean meal at Sam Ils!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Looks like you had a great time together! I just went to the flower market for the first time this week. It was such a happy place. :)

I experienced "squatty potties" in Pakistan, and I would hold it as long as possible to avoid having to use one! Yuck!