22 December 2007

7th Air Force Christmas Party

The 7th Air Force is the headquarters for all of the Air Force units in Korea. The division that Marc works for falls under the 7th AF. We had a sit down dinner, a 12 Days of Christmas skit, and sung Christmas carols! There were a lot of Korean special guests and honorees there that night and you know the song....Deck of Halls? Remember that classic scene in the movie A Christmas Story when they go to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and they try to sing Deck the Halls? OH MY GOODNESS...it's true...Fa RA RA RA RA....RA RA RA RA!

These are the boys that we hang around with. :) Fataki, Fester, and Tinman...good group.

These are the spouses of the AOC (Air Operations Center)...Marc's group. Laurie, Kia, Me, Angie, and Laura....sweetest ladies ever! We really do have a great group of friends here!

Part of the evening festivities was a "skit" of the 12 Days of Christmas. The different divisions of the 7th AF each had a part! Marc's part (Combat Plans Division) had the 5 golden rings! SOOO they spray painted hoola hoops gold and every round of the song they performed a different act with the hoops! Priceless!

BUT nothing is as priceless as the 3 star General running around as THE PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE!
We had a great evening!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

You looked great! I think this is the night we were baby sitting for Emil and Kristin. They said they had a lot of fun too.