19 July 2007

Little Fish

We started swimming lessons! The first couple of days she was horrible! NOT listening and jumping in the water out of turn non stop! The second day I asked the teacher if she wanted me to intervene and she said YES! By the third day she was under control and beginning to learn. She is loving it now and at the end of every class she gets to do the slide and/or diving board if she listens and obeys! This is Brody. He is a good friend of ours and has also been adopted from Russia! It's pretty fascinating how much they look alike. They love to "wrestle" in the water together..it's pretty fun to watch them!

This is after doing "bobs". She's a hoot to watch! She is SOOO close to floating...any day now. And is so determined to "do it by myself"!!! She won't wear a life jacket anymore..."no jacket mommy!" She is swimming but won't keep her head out of the water. So she still needs help to breathe! Crazy girl!

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