19 July 2007

Keith is here!

Our good friends the Gempler's are stationed in Vegas right now and Keith is here for LESS THAN A WEEK (his poor body!) to teach academics to the F-16 squadron. Ana saw him and ran open arms to him...so excited! However, the endless questions of "where is Manda, Katy, and Kyle" I have a feeling will be the number one topic for some time. As she has CONSTANTLY been asking for them! SO glad we had this time together to catch up and reminisce.


Joel and Angela said...

That's great that you got to see Keith!! I just tried to call Manda and missed her. Tell him I said hello and give him a hug for me!

Psycho said...
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Psycho said...

My previous comment attempt had too many spelling errors...sorry. I am so glad I got to see you guys! I can't believe Ana ran right up to me like that. You sure know how to bring a tear to man's eye...Easter Ham on a random Wednesday night! Thanks again for dinner...cool to see the Hummels...and thanks for inviting T-Bone along too. Love and miss you guys.