24 November 2007

Texas Family

My dad's side of the family lives in Texas so we will have a great 3 to 4 years with them! Yippee! This is my Uncle Lester, Aunt Carol, and Cousin Danny! Ana and I stayed with them for about two of our SIX weeks in TX! Danny is a freshman at Texas A&M so that explains his hair here! :) LOVE the Aggies stories Danny...and congrats on the win of t.u.!! Aunt Carol and Cousin Kristin are helping Ana make a monkey at Build a Bear. This monkey is her new favorite snuggle bedtime friend.

Aunt Brenda and her family live in Austin and we were with them for the week of our birthdays. Brenda is a FABULOUS cake baker so we had a yummy cake to share. THANK YOU!

Cousin Brian is on the far left and we were all at a pumpkin festival together. There were lots of fun games to play and we had a blast!

Turns out that cousin Tyler is an excellent swing pusher and Ana wanted him to play with her in the backyard continuously....she loves her cousin Tyler!

Aunt Erin came down from the Dallas area for a quick visit and it was so fun to play with her too!

Granddad and Lynn got us a birthday cake and we had a little party the week of our birthdays. We were so spoiled with all our cakes and gifts! It will be fun for us to be in Texas! Can't wait to get back!

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