24 November 2007

Happy Halloween Korean Princess!

While in Texas we celebrated HALLOWEEN! We did two pumpkin festivals, went to a Halloween party, carved two pumpkins, made Halloween cookies AND trick or treated in San Antonio with our friends.
This was at our first pumpkin festival. She won that "squishy" toy that she took everywhere with her for a couple of days...it finally died. :)

She got a kick out of painting pumpkins!

This was at our Halloween party! This is our little "Russian Mafia"! All three were adopted from Russia! :) If the Russians could see them now!

At the party we played games and this was the "mummy wrap"! It was hilarious!

Carving this pumpkin with John Baylor! Love the face!

Cool hay tractor at this pumpkin festival!

I felt so badly for this chicken...but she just wanted to love it. I only put it through her torture for a brief minute... :)

Making Halloween cookies with Nathan...so sweet.

Carving pumpkin number two with Nathan!

FINALLY...It's HALLOWEEN! This is our little Korean Princess!

Nathan and Ana went trick or treating together and were so cute!


We stayed at Nathan's house for two weeks and loved every minute of it! They are great buds!

THE LOOT! YUM! A very fun and successful Halloween!

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Great pictures from your trip home. I enjoyed getting to know you (at least a little) this weekend. I love finding other people who blog. I will add you to the list on my blog and be back to visit often!