29 May 2007

Korean Folk Village

For Memorial Day we went to the Korean Folk Village! VERY interesting and FUN! Over 240 homes, shops and other attractions in authentically reproduced Joseon-dynasty villages from the various regions of Korea. LOTS of the old buildings are authentic, having been moved to the Folk Village from the countryside. This picture was really taken at the end of the day when Ana was DONE and napping! :) We are sitting on huge kimshi pots at the entrance to the village.

There was a huge kids section full of rides!

At the exit were these swings that Marc and I played on!

This is the "Farmers Music and Dance" performance! It was my favorite of the shows. Ana was fun to watch during it as well...she was JAMMIN. Funny!

This was the "See Saw" performance. Truly amazing!

This was the "tight rope" performance.

This was a staged traditional Korean wedding. Ana had to pee so I missed most of it but Donald thought the part were the bride got put in the cage was the best part! :)

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