29 May 2007

Just hanging around town!

Grannie and Donald got here about a week ago and have adjusted great to the time zone and life! They will be here until 11 June and we have tons planned. This was the first day they were here. We went to the base and Marc did "the base tour".
Grannie's first chopstick experience over here! "Happy Teriyaki" is one of our favorites and it is the least scary! We are breaking her in slowly.Tom and Pooks have decided they like Donald's room and bed the best! They have been there everyday ALL day since he's gotten here! They missed their Papaw too! We took them to the flower market this last Sat. and we all picked flowers to have in our rooms!

This is a market that our apartment complex put on for one day last Sunday. It was great. A "jump jump" for Ana to play in, decent vendors, and a live band that we heard in our apt. until 10pm! That was good and bad. It was good for Donald and Grannie to see...broke them in before we took them to the scary market! :)

Donald, Grannie, and Marc went to the 4/9 Market (aka scary market I blogged earlier) during Ana's nap today. "Very interesting" was the comment from Grannie. But they came home with strawberries and some sort of Korean melon and seemed to have fun. I'm trying to talk Donald and Marc into a 'father/son bonding moment' and have them try the bugs! :)

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