15 April 2007

Kunsan Cherry Blossom/Temple Tour

The base offers day tours around the area pretty much everyday of the week. They will take you anywhere from places in the local town (ie spas, amusement parks, stores) to other cities with attractions. Marc and I have decided to take advantage of this and do a trip every weekend if at all possible to see it all! This past Saturday we went about 3 hours south of where we live to Kunsan. It was a wonderful day! The perfect day for being outside. The trees behind us are the Cherry Blossom Trees and they were beautiful!

We walked along this path around a lake with trees all in bloom and it was breath taking.

You could rent these duck paddle boats! We didn't have time to do that but I thought they were too cute! Ana got a kick out of them.

Ana loved climbing the trees!

In the Korean culture they are very giving. EVERYONE would give Ana food...and she got more than one of these "plates" (as Ana calls them). We eventually had to buy her a bag of them because she likes them so much. It's basically a thin rice cake....Marc is hoping she doesn't confuse them for styrofoam and start eating plates at picnics!

We had rest stops along the way and to my surprise their potties are holes in the ground. This is me just before (not after if you were wondering!) I "took care of business"!

This is one of the Buddha temples we visited. This particular temple had a huge Buddha statue in it that we weren't aloud to take pictures of.

There were Cherry Blossoms around the Temples as well. BEAUTIFUL!

This is a close up of the designs on one of the Temples.

We went to an area that had about 10 of these buildings that all had Buddha statues in them. I'm not familiar with the religion but all the Buddhas were different and I'm sure they all have a different purpose. It was very interesting.

This is one of the Buddha statues.

Another one.

And another one.

I just thought this was a beautiful scene. It was on the path up to the Temples.


Joel and Angela said...

I am so glad that you put all these pictures on here! It really looks better than you imagine it. So pretty there right now! Hope you are doing well and we love and miss you! A
PS Jan didn't have her baby today.no beds at the hospital

Carol McG said...

Hi guys, thanks for the great pictures. I'm so glad the base has family things like the egg hunt and trips! Ana's first Easter looked like so much fun and her dress was beautiful. The cherry blossoms were gorgeous. The market reminded me of the one we saw in Morocco. Pretty scary- especially the bugs.... Carol