04 April 2007

Cleaning the FUNK!

SO after a decent night of sleep. I wake up the FIRST day in our apartment and looked around with "not so tired" eyes and saw FUNK! When I realized those tiles in our kitchen AREN'T gray...I got so grossed out. I spent ALL day cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms and as I was scrubbing...NOT KIDDING, a stinch was oozing out of the walls. Candles are saving me right now. This WAS in our nasty kitchen.
YES...that is a flippin SCRAPPER in my hand! No sponge was gonna get it clean.

This is our kitchen after I "defunkitized" it. Not bad! No dishwasher...but a huge sink. The cabinets are nice and the kitchen is a good size to work with. SO after this drama of FUNK, I was talking with a friend here and she has an "Agema" (maid) that comes every week. SO I met her today and her first day is this coming Monday! Yippee! Cause I'm scared to clean anymore!

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