19 September 2007

First day in Tokyo!

We flew in from Hiroshima and got to our hotel after a long, drawn out subway, train, AND bus ride to the hotel. WHICH then we still had to walk a good 15 mins. with all our luggage! BUT we made it and an hour later our great friends the Barasch's (who are stationed in Misawa, Japan) meet us in Tokyo for our three days there! We were stationed with them during our "no children" Alaska days and now we both have sweet little girls who clicked instantly! After we got settled in the hotel we ventured out to an area called Rappongi. There was a WONDERFUL observation deck in this crazy high building in which you could see miles and miles of Tokyo....on a clear day I guess some people could even see Mt. Fuji.
The girls had so much fun together and were so good!

There was also an aquarium that we went through (no pics allowed). Then to dinner in which the boys had beers and we all played the "remember when" game and discussed our futures! FUN TIMES!

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