18 October 2007
Randolph Air Force Base in SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS!! YEEEEHAAAWWWW! We are so excited!!! More details to come. Just wanted to get the good news out! Ana and I are still in Texas for my friends wedding and now will plan to look for a house before we head back to Korea. We have open ended tickets so I don't know when we will be returning. We will know more within the week...to be continued then.... :)
04 October 2007
Banana's 4th Birthday Party!
We had Ana's birthday party today! We will be in the states on her actual birthday (13th) so we wanted to have a small party with Ana's friends here before we left. We had it at the bowling alley (Ana's new favorite thing to do!) and it was monkey themed being that she IS a monkey in disguise! Like any good 4 yr old birthday party, it was completely chaotic and a blast! :)
This was Ana's cake! She loved it. Marc and I made it. He made the monkeys and I did the rest! We were pretty excited how it turned out!
Our monkey had a great day...banana's and all!
This is her picking her ball! Determined little girl! "I can do it".
This is our troop of monkeys!
Too bad there isn't a bowling league for little ones!
She always turns around and claps when she pushes the ball down the ramp!
She got so excited when everyone was singing "Happy Birthday". It's really neat how she "gets it" now and how exited she got to blow out her candle.
SO happy to get a special gift from her friend Faith.
She FINALLY figured out how to do the "blow thing"! I don't know how many parties she has been to that she has tried and tried to get it...but TODAY she got it with Olivia's help!
After the party we came home and her "big gift" was in her room waiting for her. This was her first reaction when she saw her vanity. Sweet little girl!
02 October 2007
Would you like Hepatitis with that Kimchee?
Jan Claborn is a great friend who was here visiting her husband this past week. I showed her to ALL the fine establishments that Korea has to offer. One of my favorite spots is a pedicure salon I lovingly refer to as "Horn Removal"...(re: "not quite right" #2). We are enjoying our conversation when I get SLICED open by the "skin scrapper". My life flashes before my eyes because we ALL know how unsanitized things are here. I start to freak out and leave the shop wondering if this would be the way Korea finally "gets me". After talking with God and Marc...I decide it would be a good plan to go to the doctor first thing in the morning. Turns out I hadn't had my hepatitis shots so not only do I get Hep. A and Hep. B BUT the doctor thinks it would be a good idea to give me TWO booty shots that gives me some sort of meds. that attaches itself to the virus if it is spreading throughout my body. NOT to forget the blood work I had to do as well to see if they find anything else that I won't know about for another week! SOOOO, I should live...but my booty has two bruises and my arm is tender to all get out!
With all that being said, we decide to press on and take Jan to her first (and last) authentic Korean restaurant. "It's all part of the experience"!
Ana at SCHOOL!
Ana is now going to "school" two days a week at the CDC (Child Development Center). She has been going on and off since we moved here but is now "regular" and loving it. It's only for 3 hours in the morning and it's a win win for all of us.
This is her teacher...Ms. Neida. She is fabulous with Ana AND it turns out that she lives in the apartment above us! Small world.
She LOVES all the different activities and is finally using her words regularly with her peers.
Not Quite Right #3
Short Lived Career
Ana started pre-ballet three weeks ago. It was such an exciting day for ME being that dance was such a big part of my childhood. She was excited too! She loved the shoes! But I really didn't know how it go over being that she isn't the most graceful child AND "flutter like a butterfly" REALLY isn't in her vocabulary! But we gave it a try!
This is our angelic little girl the first day.
She thought she was too cute. We get there and the teacher is great with her...but ANA has NO interest. She doesn't stay on her dot, she CAN'T figure out how to curtsy without falling down...then staying down and ROLLING all over the floor. She would start jumping in one spot which then would turn into some sort of kick deal. We gave it three weeks and it never got fun for any of us. SO we are done! I asked if they had found anyone yet to teach soccer or a "ball sport" and LOW AND BEHOLD...they have...starting in NOVEMBER! PERFECT, we are in! I really do think she is more of a RAGE WITH A BALL kinda gal vs the graceful prima ballerina!
BUT...she did learn something! :) And today in the elevator she did her "ballet hands" and laughed...so maybe we will try again later if she wants too!
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