21 July 2007

Boryeong Mud Festival- Daecheon Beach!

The Bremer's and us went to the Mud Festival about 2 hours south of us! SOOO MUCH FUN!! This is the beginning of the day before we all got out of control dirty!
First thing we did is went to find the mud to PAINT on! :)

Ana LOVED it! She painted herself and us....and laughed the entire time.

Muddy Family!

Playing in the ocean....she wanted to do that the rest of the day. It was the perfect day. Slightly overcast and not hot at all. The water was great.

Building SOMETHING all together.

They had lots of activities to do...obstacle courses, slides...

Mud wrestling, mud pools, mud tug a war....

We buried Marc...Ana got a kick out of that!

When he popped up out of the sand she just laughed and laughed. She went non stop all day and crashed HARD tonight. It was such a fun day. We are thinking we might just go back to the beach some weekend later in the year since it's only 2 hours away! AWESOME DAY!


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She is so funny when she talks about playing in the mud...she says it all together! We had a blast and on the way home she said, "Thank you mommy and daddy". We said, "Your welcome honey...but what are you thanking us for?" She said, "For payinginthemud!" SUCH A SWEETHEART!!!

19 July 2007

Keith is here!

Our good friends the Gempler's are stationed in Vegas right now and Keith is here for LESS THAN A WEEK (his poor body!) to teach academics to the F-16 squadron. Ana saw him and ran open arms to him...so excited! However, the endless questions of "where is Manda, Katy, and Kyle" I have a feeling will be the number one topic for some time. As she has CONSTANTLY been asking for them! SO glad we had this time together to catch up and reminisce.

Choo Choo Train!

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Little Fish

We started swimming lessons! The first couple of days she was horrible! NOT listening and jumping in the water out of turn non stop! The second day I asked the teacher if she wanted me to intervene and she said YES! By the third day she was under control and beginning to learn. She is loving it now and at the end of every class she gets to do the slide and/or diving board if she listens and obeys! This is Brody. He is a good friend of ours and has also been adopted from Russia! It's pretty fascinating how much they look alike. They love to "wrestle" in the water together..it's pretty fun to watch them!

This is after doing "bobs". She's a hoot to watch! She is SOOO close to floating...any day now. And is so determined to "do it by myself"!!! She won't wear a life jacket anymore..."no jacket mommy!" She is swimming but won't keep her head out of the water. So she still needs help to breathe! Crazy girl!

08 July 2007

Ten Year Anniversary!

5 July was our 10th Anniversary! What an amazing 10 years it has been...SO much as happened...good and bad... and our marriage just gets stronger and stronger! Praise God! We had our friend, Susie, come over and watch Banana for the evening. We went out to dinner at the club and then to a movie (Pirates of the Caribbean). This year we are taking 3 big trips (China, Japan, and Thailand) and which ever trip we like the best in the end we will chalk that up to our 10 yr. anniversary trip! :)

God Bless America!

I'm telling you, when you live in another country you TRULY do realize how blessed you are to be an American! The 4th of July is such a special holiday for us for many reasons! It's when Marc and I met and when we got married. After bringing Ana home from Russia and seeing her life previous...getting her American citizenship certificate, her American passport, and giving her her American name....being an American has taken on so much more of a meaning for us. I have to say, I can not imagine not being an American and am so thankful for our freedoms and lives!

The base had a festivities for the afternoon with a "jump jump" for the little kids and darts for the "big kids". Ana is cheering her daddy on!Is that not just the happiest little girl ever?

Being silly with her daddy...

"Just Bite It"...it was melting faster than she and Marc were licking....mom took over and helped out in the cause!

These are some of our friends in our squadron...we met them for fireworks. Ana wasn't sure in the beginning about the fireworks, but loved them by the end. As you can see, she thought they were too loud at first...then she warmed up and enjoyed the show. It was a GREAT show too!

Bowling for FUN!

SHE LOVED her first bowling experience! Was so excited and didn't want to wait for her next turn so she helped mommy quite a few times. :)
She did get that spare!

We will be doing this again during those rainy or cold days that are coming soon!